7 Natural Ways to Treat Psoriasis

Sometimes your own body can protest with your immune system and create disorders that are chronic. This is an unfortunate situation and many people are entirely frustrated and debilitated with the resultant conditions. Psoriasis is one such condition that is categorised as auto immune.

A patient with psoriasis can be severely traumatised by this skin condition. The skin turns rough and hard with red patches and scales all over the body. Psoriasis can be aggravated with certain foods and lifestyles. It mostly affects the scalp, hands, legs and private parts. Psoriasis also manifests itself in different forms in different patients.

At times psoriasis can also lead to inflammation of the joints leading to an arthritic condition known as psoriatic arthritis. As there is no cure for this chronic auto immune disease, all a person can do is to strive for control and to make serious lifestyle and diet changes in order to remain out of symptoms.

7 Natural Ways to Treat Psoriasis

What Are The Causes Of Psoriasis ?
  • There are numerous factors that trigger an episode of psoriasis. Patients who have smoking and drinking habits can aggravate the condition beyond control. Skin infections caused by fungi and bacteria too can sometimes worsen psoriasis.
  • A person with psoriasis must avoid being in the sun for long time as the condition will again be aggravated with heat and direct sunlight. Extreme climatic conditions that hamper the PH balance of the skin too are causative factors that can trigger psoriasis.
  • Food control is an essential part in the well being of a psoriatic patient. Certain foods can trigger a flare up and cause a lot of distress. Similarly, stress too is a factor that can be blamed when a person gets a psoriatic episode. Finally, the role of genetics too cannot be ignored when it comes to psoriasis.
Natural Remedies For Psoriasis

It is a huge relief for patients with psoriasis to know that a number of natural treatment methods can offer great solace and prevent frequent episodes of psoriasis. Below are some of the best remedies you can try for controlling psoriasis.

Apple Cider Vinegar
The anti microbial properties of apple cider vinegar help in clearing away bacterial and skin infections which can aggravate psoriasis. Maintaining the Ph level of the skin can control psoriasis to a great extent. Apple cider vinegar helps maintain the Ph level as well. For treating the skin with apple cider vinegar, use a soft cotton cloth dipped in apple cider vinegar for covering the entire area of the skin. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash it with water.

Aloe Vera
Psoriatic skin needs to be restored and rejuvenated from its dry and scaly texture. For this, a natural moisturiser like aloe vera can be used. Leaving the skin well moisturised itself is a great way to prevent psoriasis. Take pure aloe gel and apply on the affected areas. Do not wash it off for best results.  Do this for as long as you can.

Oatmeal And Epsom Salt

A soak made of oatmeal and Epsom salt will help in healing the skin that is peeled and also in moisturising the damaged skin for preventing further attacks. Epsom salt being an antibacterial will also prevent skin infections that a patient with psoriasis is susceptible to.

7 Natural Ways To Treat Psoriasis

Take a cup each of Epsom salt and oatmeal and mix it with warm water in the tub. You can soak in this water for about 20 minutes every day for relieving the symptoms of psoriasis. This will keep the skin moisturised and also free from bacterial attacks.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E can be used directly on the skin for moisturising it and also for rejuvenating the skin that is damaged. Vitamin E has the power to restore the lost glow and smoothness of the skin with continuous application. A skin that is prone to psoriasis must never be allowed to dry lest the symptoms flare up. Make sure that you also include vitamin E enriched food in your diet.


The leaves of cabbage are a great remedy for controlling inflammation on the skin and also from preventing pain and itching. The hard leaves of cabbage have to be first softened for the purpose to prevent the inflamed and raw wound from getting irritated. Place the cabbage leaves over a low flame and allow it to become soft. Remove the veins that are hard and place them on the wound.

Cover the entire area with cabbage leaves and using gauze, tie them in place. Once the leaves turn dry, you can use fresh leaves. Doing this every day will help control psoriasis and prevent you from scratching and peeling the skin.

Bitter Gourd

Bitter guard is famed for its action on diabetic patients. It can also be used for curing skin that is affected with psoriasis. Grate adequate amounts of bitter gourd so that you get a glass of bitter juice from it. Add a teaspoon of lime juice along with it and take this juice as soon as you wake up in the morning empty stomach.

The treatment takes time to show results. But continue drinking this juice and in a few months you will surely start feeling and looking much better.

Herbal Tea

A herbal tea can be prepared by mixing together a number of herbs that help in treating psoriasis. Take Echinacea, Oregon, calendula, cleavers herb, sassagrass, dandelion, nettle leaf and burdock in equal proportions. This mixture must be kept in an airtight jar for 3 months.

Once the three months standing period is complete, take one cup of water and add one tablespoon of this mixed herbs after shaking the jar for mixing the ingredients. Allow it to simmer for 15 minutes. This tea can be drained and cooled to room temperature before drinking.

Useful Tips

Skin that is affected with psoriasis require abundant care to keep it moisturised. Make sure that it is well protected from infections. Cover the skin completely when you are out in order to prevent dust and sunlight form affecting the skin and causing flare ups.

Seawater is said to do a lot of good for psoriasis. Taking bath in sea water that is enriched with minerals will remove the irritation and clean it off the bacteria and other germs.

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