Identify Symptoms of Labor Pain
When woman get pregnancy, all experienced relatives and friends around her give advice regarding taking care in pregnancy; how to identify labor pain and many more. It is very essential for women to identify symptoms of labor to take necessary action during time of labor pain. Symptoms may vary in different women.
Some common symptoms for labor pain
- Water Breaking
- Tightening of abdomen
- Passing of the mucus plug
- Cramping, abdominal pain, lower back pain starts at some interval and then arise constant.
- Your baby settles or get lower in your pelvis before labor is called lightening. Normally it occurs some hours or weeks before labor. It makes you feel like to urinate manytimes.
- Opening of the cervix
- Thinning of the cervix (Cervical effacement)
- You feel that your baby is moving very less
- Vaginal bleeding
- Feel like fever, headaches
- Regular contractions are a positive sign of labor. If it occurs continuously, then it becomes definite sign of labor.
What to do when water breaking?
Many people advised to laugh while water breaking. When it happens, many women do not understand that it is due to water breaking. The water is amniotic fluid with slight yellow shade or clear. Risk of infection gets higher for more than 24 hours of water breaking. If you found dark or green color smelly fluid, you should contact your doctor immediately.
What is labor Contractions?
At the time of contractions your abdomen gets hard. During contractions your uterus relaxes and the abdomen gets soft. Labor Contractions cause anxiety or sometimes back pain or lower abdomen pain with pressure in the pelvis. Movement of contractions is like a wave from the top to the bottom of the uterus. Sometimes it feels like heavy menstrual cramps. You can feel relax between contractions, but it cannot stop even if you change your position.
How to get relief from Labor Pain?
During initial stage of labor, which is called the Latent Phase, you can get more comfort at home. In this period, waking, watching movie, taking warm bath or some massage can help you in reduce pain. Try to sleep if you can.
At what interval contractions occur?
Contractions may occur at regular interval and continue for 30 to 70 seconds. This periods increases with time. During false labor it is irregular and do not get closer together. True labor is usually differentiated by strong contractions that last 45-60 seconds and occurs three to four minutes at a distance.
What happen if I have contractions but not labor?
It is possible. During labor your cervix gets thinner [cervix effacement] slowly and open. Many women can feel sense of contractions before dilate of cervix. Your nurse or midwife can predict that cervical changes started or not. In case of a posterior position of your baby in which baby’s head down, but back to your back, in such case it takes a long time to get right position and your contractions may be variable and low in intensity. Sometimes you may find backache problems. You can get relief by doing some massage to reduce pain.
How can you judge true labor or momentary labor?
When you actually get labor pain; there is some period in which you feel labor pain also known as Braxton Hicks contractions, which is not regular. Such irregular uterine contractions are absolutely normal. It may start occurring in third trimester. In this way your body gets prepared for true labor pain.
Labor pain is natural process. Do not get fear from it. Emotional or Psychological phobia can cause increase in your pain. Follow instructions of your consulting doctor to get temporary relaxation. Contact your consultant gynecologist immediately if your labor pain occurs continuously or you found any above symptoms for a long time.