Apple Cider Vinegar Mole Removal

Since time immemorial Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV has been used as one of the most effective treatments for moles and warts. It works effectively in the treatment of skin growths. ACV has been used not only for the treatment of moles but has also been used as a weight loss solution.

This particular vinegar is actually a sour tasting ingredient that is specifically meant for kitchen purposes. Some people experimented with ACV for the treatment of moles and found the result to be unbelievably effective. 

Apple Cider Vinegar Mole Removal

Generally there are three types of mole removal methods namely, surgical methods, over the counter medicines and mole removal home remedies. Depending on the size of the mole, its color and the danger it poses to your health, the dermatologist will tell you which one would be the best treatment. And yes it is essential to discuss about it with your doctor before you take up any type of treatment.

For the Apple Cider Vinegar mole removal you need the following things:

1) Apple cider vinegar
2) Cotton balls
3) Band aid strip

Take a cotton ball and soak it in the apple cider vinegar. Then place the soaked cotton on top of the mole and put the band aid strip on it, to keep it sticking for longer period. Repeat this process atleast three times a day. Replace it with new cotton balls soaked in vinegar. Those who wish to remove protruding moles must see the result after two weeks. It acts fast and makes the mole shrink, reducing its size and finally layering it off the skin.

ACV may also have certain side effects as it is acidic in nature. If proper care is not taken while applying, it may burn the surrounding skin and may lead to the formation of dark spots. So make sure to apply an ample amount of Vaseline on the skin around the moles before you dab the vinegar soaked cotton on the moles. This will prevent the vinegar from spreading to the skin. 

A number of people have tried the apple cider vinegar treatment for mole removal. Majority of them found the ACV treatment effective whereas a handful of them claim that the treatment did remove the moles but it came back after a couple of weeks. 

However, apple cider vinegar does not prove effective to all the people. Different people have different skin types which react differently. Yet people should not believe the statement that, ‘all sorts of home remedies for mole removal may not work’. But always make sure to consult your dermatologist before you go in for any home remedy for the removal of moles.  

Apple cider vinegar cannot always help with the removal of moles. There are certain limitations. For instance, if the mole has turned to melanoma then it needs to be removed from the underlying cells. Confirm the size of the tumor through a biopsy test. Yet removal of the mole cannot assure you that the mole will not recur. While going out always protect your skin from excessive exposure to sunlight to prevent moles and melanoma from growing back to your skin.

Also, you should be well aware of the warning signs of melanoma (cancerous moles) for early diagnosis, so that proper treatment could be considered as early as possible.

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