Home Remedies for Canker Sores

Although a doctor may prescribe a topical steroid to treat canker sores, treatments are really unnecessary. Canker sores usually heal without medication within 7-10 days. During this time, a person will often turn to home remedies to ease the irritation and discomfort that the sores bring with them. Below are a few home remedies for a canker sore to consider when you wish to avoid the use of over-the-counter drugs:

Home Remedies for Canker Sores

a) Homemade Rinses:

You can create a homemade solution that is used four times per day to reduce the discomfort associated with canker sores. The most popular and effective home remedy for canker sore rinses use ingredients, such as hydrogen peroxide, salt, and baking soda. Individuals may find relief when combining 2 ounces of hydrogen peroxide with 2 ounces of water. Another canker sore home remedy mixes 4 ounces of water mixed with 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

b) Black Tea:

Even doctors agree with placing wet black tea bags on canker sores to ease pain. An astringent called tannin is contained within the tea, which reduces discomfort.

c) Myrrh:

You can create a pure myrrh tincture, which is dabbed on canker sores once every hour. This great natural home remedy for a canker sore may also treat mouth and tongue ulcers.

d) Sage:

When creating a sage infusion, you may use as a mouthwash to ease canker sore discomfort.

Canker Sore Prevention

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent canker sores. Once they erupt, they stick around for a little bit and then fade away. If you follow a healthy diet and get enough sleep, you may lessen your chances for suffering a canker sore attack. Stress also affects the onset of canker sores, so perhaps meditation or worrying less could contribute to keeping canker sores at bay. Additional preventive measures include:

a) Avoid Abrasive Foods:

Foods that have an abrasive tendency have a reputation to irritate the insides of the mouth. Potato chips and nuts have been known to cause oral irritation.

b) Avoid Food Irritants:

Protect the delicate nature of your oral cavity by avoiding salty, spicy, and acid-filled fruits and vegetables, such as lemons and tomatoes.

c) Soft Bristle Toothbrushes:

To help break the habit of brushing your teeth too hard, you should purchase a soft bristle toothbrush. Coupled with a hydrogen peroxide or baking soda toothpaste, you may encourage the healthy balance within of your mouth.

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