Home Remedies for Migraines

Migraine is associated with severe headache. The problem mainly occurs due to irregular activity in the nerves in meninges. The blood vessels of the brain dilate or contract due to extreme pain in head. Both men and women can suffer from the problem of migraine. However, women are the major sufferers of migraine.

The major factor responsible for migraines in women is hormonal imbalance. It is basically because of the fluctuation in the estrogen hormone which leads to extreme pain in head. Most of the women suffer from migraine during pregnancy.

Though, in most of the cases, hormonal imbalance is the major cause of migraine in women; however, stress and tension can also lead to severe headache. An individual suffering from migraine gets irritated and annoyed at petty issues and remains frustrated most of the time.

In order to reduce migraines, people often rush to the doctor. The drugs prescribed by the doctor help in providing instant relief from severe pain in the head. However, the medically prescribed drugs contain chemicals which may pose some side effects.

Therefore, the best way to reduce migraines is through natural remedies. Natural remedies are quite safe and cost friendly as compared to the medicines prescribed by the doctors. In this article, we shall discuss about a few effective home remedies for migraines.

Home Remedies for Migraines

Home Remedies for Migraines

Primrose Oil

The anti inflammatory properties contained in primrose oil would help in reducing migraine in a natural way.

Vitamin C

Consumption of foods enriched with vitamin C would help in boosting up the immunity of an individual while helping in getting rid of stress. This would help in treating migraines naturally.


This herb helps in getting rid of stress and anxiety from life. This would assist in reducing the pressure on head, subsequently helping in treatment of migraines. Consumption of this herb would also aid in promoting sleep, which would in turn assist in keeping you stress free.


The pain in head would be reduced considerably with the help of intake of feverfew herb. An individual would feel immensely relaxed after the ingestion of this herb.

However, this herb is not considered to be safe during pregnancy. Therefore, as a precautionary measure, pregnant women should avoid the ingestion of feverfew herb as a treatment for migraines.


Kava is regarded to be the best herbal remedy for migraines. An individual suffering from migraine would feel highly relaxed after the consumption of kava herb.

The ingestion of this herb would reduce migraines effectively. However, it is suggested to consume the herb in moderation. Excessive dosage of the herb can result in liver related problem.

Scalp Massage

Massaging the scalp with any of the essential oils like olive oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, and coconut oil would help in providing relief from severe headache naturally.

Scalp Massage

Scalp massage should be carried out continuously for around ten to fifteen minutes to treat migraines. This home remedy for treating headaches has been in use for several years, and really provides successful results. An individual would feel quite relaxed with the help of this natural home remedy.

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