Health Benefits of Cycling

Cycling is a very important exercise that benefits both men and women's health in a number of ways. It prevents building of cholesterol and fats in body that keeps you slim. It makes our body strong to fight against diseases. It is also very helpful in improving the coordination between our body parts.

Cycling is the best exercise

Cycling involves the use of all body from hands and legs to eye and brain. It is very good for health and cycling daily can keep you fit and slim. It is also a great exercise for building stamina, improving or body structure and coordination. It involves less risk of cramps and strain on muscles unlike running.

Health Benefits of Cycling

Cycling makes muscles stronger and builds strength

Cycling is a great exercise helps to burn fats from our thighs and waist keeping you slim. It is a great exercise that helps to build almost all leg muscles. It keeps our waist, thighs, hips, rear ends in perfect shape. Apart from good shape cycling is also beneficial for our knee and hip joints.

Beneficial for heart

Cycling benefits the health of heart by maintaining the ratio of good to bad cholesterol level. A study has shown that cycling daily for 30 minutes can reduce the risk of heart disease up to 50 %. When you cycle your rate of pumping increases, which is good exercise for your heart.

Cycling helps to burn calories

Cycling is a very helpful exercise for burning the unwanted fats from the body. Cycling for 30 minutes and a steady pace helps to burn around 300-350 calories. It speed ups our metabolic rate thereby increasing the calorie consumption and reducing your weight. This will prevent your body from risks of obesity and diabetes.

Cycling improves brain power

Cycling helps to increase the blood circulation in body and so our brain receives more blood. More blood means more oxygen and more nourishment is being provided to our brain. It also helps to build new cells in brain that increases the memory power and makes your more active and intelligent.

Improves skin complexion

Like other exercises cycling also produces lot of sweat that flushes out the dirt and oils blocked in our pores. Exercises also help to improve the flexibility of skin. This will help you to give a glowing complexion and prevent blocking of skin pores. Regular cycling will prevent stretch marks on thighs and stomach.

Builds our immunity

Exercises make our immune cells very active and strong to fight against the disease causing bacteria and viruses.

Cycling is pollution free

Cycling does not produce any pollution that in turn benefits your health. It is eco-friendly which means that it keeps our environment free from hazardous gases. No pollution in air will definitely benefit your health. Hence for short distances it is advised to bike your cycle to keep our body and environment healthy.

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