Home Remedies for Wrinkles

Growing age is the nightmare that frightens everyone. Usually wrinkles and dull complexion are the topics that worry women greatly. With proper care, healthy diet and planned routine you can shift this problem to next ten years. Firstly, leave tension and try to make yourself happy.

Avocado Oil is a plant based oil that also increases the collagen content in the skin. It also nourishes the skin with vitamins A, D and E.

Castor oil is something you should go out and buy. This can be applied to your skin on a regular basis to keep the skin smooth and it actually can help to remove light wrinkles that you might have on your face.

Home Remedies for Wrinkles

Massaging the face with gentle strokes increases the blood circulation. It rejuvenates the skin and removes the dead cells.

Diet needs to be modified by including fresh green vegetables and fruits, which are rich in Vitamin E and C. Colored fruits are rich in anti-oxidants that help in destroying the free radicals and prevent wrinkles.

Pineapple is also a great home remedy for wrinkles, rub the core of the pine apple and leave on the skin for 5 minutes to give your skin a refreshing glow.
Prepare a face mask using oatmeal along with 1 teaspoon of raspberry juice, orange juice including olive oil and add egg yolk to it. Apply this on to your face and leave it for about 20 minutes to help get a smooth and glowing skin, which make the wrinkles less noticeable.

Taking a tablespoon of flax seed oil 3-4 times a day produces excellent results. But one should be cautious, as it may cause stomach upset.
Applying egg whites around the eyes and other affected areas reduces the fine wrinkles.

Take a piece of ripe papaya and apply on the face. Bath after sometime. The daily application of papaya cures wrinkles and make the skin fair. Also apply on the neck and massage. It cleans and brightens the neck and removes wrinkles.

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