Home Remedies for Freckles

For many, a few lightly colored spots may dance across their cheeks, while some fair skinned individuals could spend days counting the number of freckles on their body. They are not an indication that something is wrong or a part of some disorder – it’s simply a genetic feature. When you’d like to lighten your “dots,” try considering the natural approach of using home remedies for freckles.

Home Remedies for Freckles

What are Freckles?

Freckles are pigmented skin cells that are a part of your genetic makeup – especially if you were born with fair skin. The pigmentation is quite common when people are young (prior to entering puberty), but many adults have freckles on their face. The small, single spots are usually tan in color and contain more melanin (pigment) than other skin cells. They are a completely normal occurrence, but tend to darken with overexposure to the sun.

Freckles are commonly found on the nose and cheeks of the body, but also appear on the shoulders, arms, and other places that are exposed to the sun.

Some people have freckles that fade away almost completely in the winter and return in the summer. Other people’s freckles don’t change much with or without the sun and can be seen year-round. Freckles also tend to fade as people get older. Whether you’re freckled or not, be sure to wear sunscreen and follow other sun-safety rules.

Causes of Freckles

Simple freckles and sunburn freckles are the two basic types that you may encounter. Simple freckles are typically tan, round, and small – measuring about the size of a common nail head. They can also be slightly reddish or light brown in color. This type of freckle is typically hereditary and favoring certain physical characteristics, such as affecting lots of people with red and blonde hair.

Sunburn freckles (also called lentigo simplex) are often darker and display irregular jagged borders. Some can reach a size larger than a pencil eraser. This type of freckle often appears on the upper back and shoulders, where most people tend to develop severe sunburn.

Freckle Home Remedies

For some people, they can’t run away from their freckles, but they can still lessen their appearance with natural skin lightening techniques that use common household ingredients. By embracing different lifestyle habits and opting for natural treatments, the following home remedies for freckles could really come in handy:

Vitamin C:

An increase of vitamin C can help reduce freckles that appear all over your body. You can take supplements or add more vitamin C-rich foods to your diet, such as oranges, grapefruit, or orange juice. Vitamin C reduces freckles by making your skin less sensitive to sun exposure.

Sour Cream:

Get rid of freckles by apply sour cream to the face. Keep on the remedy for a few minutes, and then gently wipe off with tissue. If you want your skin to stay fresh and supple, rub on a moisturizer after the sour cream treatment.

Fruit Masks:

When making masks for the face, use fruit (such as strawberry, cucumber or apricot) to treat freckles.

Sour Milk:

The lactic acid in milk can effectively lighten the pigmentation on your skin without causing dryness. Using sour milk as a daily face wash or rinse can gradually lighten the darkness of freckles, as well as make skin smoother.

Stay Out of Sun:

One of the easiest home remedies for freckles is to avoid the sun. If you must venture outside on a sunny day, save your trip until after peak UVA house of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. When going outside, reapply your sunscreen every two hours.

Lemon Juice:

The extract of lemons offers effective natural bleaching results. Use your fingers to apply the lemon juice, which can help to slowly lighten freckles. For smoother skin results, you can follow up with an olive oil and vitamin E mixture after putting on the lemon juice.


Onions have been proven to effectively treat freckles and other marks on the face. Slice a red onion in half and rub on freckled skin one time per day.


Warmed honey has been known to treat unwanted freckles. After heating your honey, add a small amount of wheat germ and gently apply to the skin using your fingers. Follow up by washing off the honey with lukewarm water, and then rinsing thoroughly with cold water.

Vegetable Juices with Creams:

To gradually eliminate freckles, mix the juices of vegetables and fruits (like lemon, orange, parsley) with your favorite skin cream, and then apply to unwanted spots.

Slather on the Sunscreen:

Sunscreen is an important part of fighting unwanted freckles. Using it all year round is recommended. You can use sunscreen as a moisturizer before putting on your makeup. Choose products that offer at least a 15 SPF. The sunscreen will help prevent future freckles while fading the ones you have. People with extremely fair skin should opt for even higher SPF of 30 or 50. Putting the sunscreen on your hands daily will also protect you from damaging rays while you drive.

Put on a Hat:

Wearing a hat when you are outside is a good way to prevent freckles associated with sun exposure. The brim of the hat should be wide so that it provides shade for the nose. You should even wear a hat on sunny winter days and cloudy days because UV rays are still present.

Castor Oil:

Apply castor oil on the skin before going to bed to remove the appearance of freckles from your skin.

Vitamin E:

Increase your intake of vitamin E or rub in a cream with the vitamin to lessen the appearance of freckles.


After grinding some yellow mustard seeds, add to milk to create a mask that can treat freckles throughout the night as you sleep. In the morning, wash it off and the longer you repeat this daily regimen, the quicker you will start to see unwanted marks slowly lighten.

Turmeric and Sesame:

A remedy made out of turmeric paste, crushed sesame seeds, and a small amount of water can help fight freckles. Apply the paste to the skin as a way to address large patches of freckles.

Driving Gloves:

Wearing driving gloves can help protect your skin during car travel and prevent the darkening of hand freckles.

Watermelon and Rice:

Put a hole into a watermelon and place rice grains inside. Leave the fruit as it is for one week. Take it out and make a paste out of the contents. Apply to your freckles.

Shirts with Long Sleeves:

To make sure the freckles on your arms do not accumulate, wear long-sleeved shirts whenever you can. Clothing will offer more protection for this part of your body than sunscreen. This is especially true if you plan on being outside for long periods of time.

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