Guide to Anti-Ageing Skin Care

Keep a medical history of your parents and grandparents. You don't need to find out details about every fever they had, just a simple list about any ailments or medical conditions they had should help you. Also, note the cause of death and their age at death.

Make a note of any heart ailments, disorders, cancer or emotional problems such as depression. If either parent was abusive, an alcoholic, bad-tempered, or abandoned his or her family, this fact could be noted as well. You will be surprised at the insight this simple exercise gives you not only into your health, but into your personality as well.

Guide to Anti-Ageing Skin Care

Don't let the medical conditions overwhelm you, or you will be defeating the purpose of this exercise. If either parent or grandparent died of cancer, you could start eating foods with known anti-carcinogenic properties. Similarly, if your grandmother and mother had osteoporosis, start exercising and boost your calcium intake. While everyone should do everything in their power to stay healthy, this list will help you focus on a few additional precautions you can take.

Lay a solid foundation for your health, so many years down the line you look and feel way younger than the age mentioned on your driving license. Here's a guide to what you should focus on decade by decade.

In your 20s

A large number of men and women start smoking in their twenties. With every puff you take, millions of free radicals are released into your body, playing having with your cells. Don't start smoking, and if you have already started, quit. This is the best gift you can give yourself and your family for now. The damaging effect of cigarettes show up first on your face.

In Your 30s

You may or may not be through with the drunken debauchery stage, but it's best if you steady your drinking habits, at least after you cross the age of 35. You're probably still setting up your career, working crazy hours and partying hard. Push yourself hard while you still can, so you can enjoy the fruits of your labour a decade down the line.

In Your 40s

You've probably reached a position of responsibility on the career front, and you have a child or two. You've lived by now, and have probably faced some trauma. You've started to feel that you are ageing, and there's no turning back. Stop stressing over every wrinkle you see in the mirror. It's far better to age gracefully than to stress over it. Make sure you have a good night cream, under-eye cream, and apply anti-ageing moisturizers liberally. Then, get out and have some fun; you deserve it. Take up meditation, as it helps relieve stress and calms the mind, which is what you need the most at this age. Pay attention to your weight, and even if you've been skimping on exercise before this, don't neglect it anymore.

In Your 50s

Menopause will be difficult to accept, and as recent scientific findings discourage women from going in for HRT, and without this the transition may be a little more difficult. You're still young enough to have fun, travel and work. Continue with exercise, and take up yoga to keep you physically and mentally fit and alert. Do yoga for at least an hour every day. Eat more vegetables and less meat. Concentrate more on your health and less on your work. Reduce stress at work and make sure your retirement plans are shaping up well.

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